Saturday, February 3, 2018

What Will 2018 Bring?

Well guys here we are in February.  The rain is falling here in Budapest, and the sounds of the sloshy street reach me as I try to articulate what has been going on in life and ministry these past few months.  I’ll pick up where I left off last October.
10-day outreaches went swimmingly.  It was awesome to see the things the students were involved with and the lives touched by God during their time in these other places.  Many of these churches, such as Slovakia and several in Hungary, they were able to continue their work with as many of them are easy to travel to.  Some of them the students are only able to travel to a few times a year but outreaches are very effective to encourage the saints there, help with outreach and plugging in new believers to the local church and for the students continued spiritual growth as well.
I left in mid-November to go back to work in the States.  We still have a significant financial short fall that requires me to work a certain amount in the States each year.  I was able to visit my brother in Maryland on the way and spent a wonderful four days with him and his two children.  On arrival to California I dove right back into work at the hospital in Hanford and for the most part was able to work all the way until our return to Budapest last week.
Exploring Annapolis with my brother Zachary

           Jared finished out the semester here in Hungary with his usual IT work with the school, the church, and finishing with graduation.  He joined me in California on December 16th.  We were able to spend time with many of you and enjoyed all of it.  I always wish that we could have more time with everyone, but am still learning to cherish what God has given us as a gift.  We were also able to spend a week with Jared’s family in Oregon and connect with some friends there as well.  The trip ended with the arrival of our nephew Elijah two days before we left.  My brother Luke is coming on staff at the school with us so we were able to travel back to Hungary together.
Exploring Albany, Oregon with Jared's parents and sister

Our new nephew Elijah
We arrived on a Friday night and plunged right into central/eastern European leadership conference Sunday-Wednesday.  What an amazing way to start the year with being spiritually challenged by God’s word as well as meeting new friends, and catching up with old ones.  It’s such a joy to meet so many who have served here with Jared over the years.  Not only have I met some of them but many of them have become friends to me as well.
At the conference with Jeremy Foster (the pastor of one of our supporting churches in Arkansas)

Here we are then with the semester beginning in just over a week.  Jared has already returned to his normal activities at the office and the usual IT phone calls that come as the problems arise.  I’m trying to plunge back into language study and ministry at the church.  We will continue coffee time with the students once a week as well as what we like to call nerd herd (enjoying a nerdy TV show once a week at our apartment).  This semester we will also be hosting a home fellowship for the students every other week as well as ongoing discipleship with the students and essentially whoever God puts in our path.  God has been gently reminding us (most recently at the leadership conference) to always be open-handed as we approach each semester.  Also, that God will humble us whether we choose it ourselves or we are brought to it not of our choosing.

And whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.
Matthew 23:12

Please continue to pray for us, and give financially if you feel lead.  We truly value your partnership with us in this ministry.

Prayer Requests
1.     For the students who are arriving next week to be changed by God this semester
2.     For Luke as he is settling into his staff position this year
3.     For direction with our finances and for God to present job opportunities for either of us if that’s His will
4.     For our home to be a blessed place for the students to come and enjoy fellowship

Tax deductible support with end of the year receipt can be mailed to:
Called Christians, Inc
P.O. Box 90876
Albuquerque, NM 87199

Be sure to put the following on the check memo line: Jared Scheller

Monthly direct withdrawal is available as well.  contact me for more info if you are interested in this.

Paypal is also available at

Our Mailing Address is:
Jared and Hannah Scheller
Német Útca 13 IV Emelet 6
Budapest, Hungary 1084

You can also follow us on facebook and instagram @stellarschellers