Monday, October 23, 2017

My Experience of Loss

The Seasons of Life

Here we are in October already.  You know how in the summer you long for winter and vice versa?  Isn’t it that way in our lives sometimes?  We long for whatever season we are not in right now.  We think that once we get to the season we are longing for, we will step into the happiness that we are holding out for.  I can’t wait to finish high school and I’m finally an adult, I can’t wait until I get married, or I can’t wait until I’m a mother.  This past year and these passing seasons seem to follow in this pattern of wanting the next thing.  Yet there is something that the Lord is doing that leaves behind the traces of a life changed by the depth of grace that only God can give.

I didn’t even warn you that I was going to get real deep real quick.  Last year in August, at eight weeks pregnant, Jared and I found out the pregnancy was ectopic, meaning that the embryo caused damage to my fallopian tube and did not go to a place where it would survive.  The next day I underwent surgery in Budapest.  The damage was so severe that the doctor had to remove one of my fallopian tubes.  We had been at our first doctor’s appointment hoping to hear the baby’s heartbeat, but instead I spent two nights in the hospital while Jared crashed on a friend’s couch.  Recovering from my first surgery was tough.  Also, the fact that I was in another country where I don’t speak the language was humbling.  The reality of losing the baby hit in waves, and then the reality of there being no guarantee of another child hits pretty much every month.  My due date came and went, Mother’s Day, other people’s baby showers, and before I knew it a full year had passed since I lost my baby.  The different reminders were difficult at first.  People I know and love all around me were, and are having babies.  At first I did have to fake the joy that I really wanted to feel for them, but it became more real as time went on.  Close friends shared with me their own experiences of loss, which really helped me to not be so hard on myself for not being able to bounce back to my usual high spirits.

The desire for a child is great, but the deep desire for Jesus is so much greater.  The most important thing to me was that I became a mother, and what I struggled with often was that I am not labeled as such since my child is not with me.  I had to wrestle through this with God, and had to realize that the most important thing is how I view Him.  Do I take him at his word?  Do I walk in His promises?  This isn’t about fertility, it’s about my relationship with Jesus.  This is what all of our experiences in life come down to.  Jesus doesn’t value me based on my ability to conceive, be a dutiful wife, a hard-working daughter, or a loving sister.  He values me because he chose to love me in a perfect way that suffers long and is kind; that does not envy or parade itself and is not puffed up.  His love does not behave rudely, seek its own, is not provoked, and thinks no evil.  It’s a love that does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth.  His love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things.  His love never fails (1 Corinthians 13:4-8).  If I can know more of God’s love through losing my baby, than what greater gift can there be in the wake of loss?  He lost a Child too.

Life in the City

It’s October already.  That’s so great!  Fall in the city has been different, but there are so many new and wonderful things to discover. 
            The summer came and went with its challenges and delights of interacting with conference guests and preparing to move to Budapest.  I was able to lead the Summer of Service girl’s bible study every Sunday night.  We spent every week talking about what the bible says concerning anxiety and what are the things about God that we can rest in.  I was so blessed to spend that time talking and praying with them.  It was emotionally exhausting, but when you’re in the business of fighting for souls there are many things that will totally drain you.  Yet, is there anything in this world that is more worth giving our all for?
Part of our summer coffee shop crew
            We successfully moved at the end of August with the help of great friends.  Thankfully, the missionary life has given me plenty of opportunities to overcome my complete distaste for packing.  The semester was off to a fast start in the beginning of September.  Jared was quite busy with adjusting the church technology to accommodate such a large influx of students, setting up the bible college office, getting to know how things are done in Budapest, and getting to know the new students.  My activities are still developing, but right now they consist of helping to host missionary leadership class, helping in the nursery on Sundays, Hungarian lessons twice a week, getting to know the city, gospel choir practice on Tuesday nights, hosting the students at our apartment, and learning how to run a household under the leadership of my husband as we submit to one another and ultimately to God.
Students praying for the interns at orientation
Friends in our home is my favorite
            We have also had the opportunity to visit Vajta on a few occasions and help with some of the bigger conferences.  A few weekends ago we were able to lead a team of staff and students from Budapest to help with a high school conference.  Jared travels back more frequently than I as he is still overseeing their IT needs.
Jared serving at the men's conference in Vajta at the end of September
            10-day outreaches are coming up and the students will leave on Friday.  We have teams going to Finland, Romania, Germany, Spain, Hungary, Serbia, Slovakia, and the middle-east.  Jared and I will be staying in Budapest this time helping a group of students with the ministries here while most of the students are gone.  Please be in prayer during this time of October 27th-November 5th.
            On a small side note, last week Luke and his good friend Daryl gave a home concert at a friend’s house.  I was glad to be able to attend.
I do love taking photos with the band.  Go Luke!
            As I look over our prayer requests from my last post God’s faithfulness has continued in all of these things, and we thank you all for your prayers and continued involvement in what God is doing here in Hungary.  The school move went as smoothly as it could have.  The staff, interns, and students worked very diligently to get it done.  Our move went well, and we even found a close parking spot for the moving van.  We still need more support to stay here and would appreciate your continued prayers in this, but He is sustaining us.  The students are adjusting.  Some are having difficulty just as we as staff have difficult days of learning to live in Budapest.  Some days it’s just hard, and that’s ok.  The unity among the team here has been such a blessing.  Please be praying that we would continue to depend on God for everything.
            We are so thankful for you all.  If you would like to contact us or support us, all our information is at the end of this post.
A night at the symphony in Budapest (someone wore his wedding vest)

Prayer requests:
1.     A continued work in the hearts of the new and returning students as they continue to explore life in the city
2.     10-day outreaches.  For hearts to be touched and lives to be changed by the teams coming alongside local churches.
3.     Continued prayer for God’s provision through finances.
4.     For God to work His will out in the lives of us who are facing the challenges of living life in the city.

Tax deductible support with end of the year receipt can be mailed to:
Called Christians, Inc
P.O. Box 90876
Albuquerque, NM 87199

Be sure to put the following on the check memo line: Jared Scheller

Monthly direct withdrawal is available as well.  contact me for more info if you are interested in this.

Paypal is also available at

Our Mailing Address is:
Jared and Hannah Scheller
Német Útca 13 IV Emelet 6
Budapest, Hungary 1084

You can also follow us on facebook and instagram @stellarschellers