Friday, July 24, 2015

40-day-outreach (because I don't have a clever title)

So the last time I updated y’all I was getting ready to head out on my 40-day outreach in Ukraine.  Now it is drawing to a close and I will be heading back to Hungary in just over a week.  So much had happened and God is teaching me such precious lessons that I know I will look back on for years to come.

Shortly before my coming the pastor in Kiev stepped down from the pastorate and the family I was to stay with was asked to step into that position.  George and Sharon Markey and their four boys have been serving in the church in Ternopil for several years.  It was decided that George’s brother Jon would take over the senior pastorate in Ternopil and George and his family would move to Kiev and take over there.  I have been able to help with that transition in whatever way I can.  I stay with the boys on the weekends while George and Sharon go to Kiev for Saturday events, Sunday services, and Monday prayer meetings.  Kiev is about a five-hour drive from Ternopil.

There have been some hot days and some rainy days but, with a lake in the middle of downtown, Ternopil has been a delight.  My greatest joy has been to be back in the kitchen, doing laundry, and spending time with the boys (all of which I haven’t done as much of as I normally do since leaving for Bible College).  It has been challenging at times, but my young charges are quite hilarious and our favorite pastimes are walking to the park, taking public transit to church, drinking kefir and having teatime when it’s raining.

I have had the joy of meeting several people at the church such as when the shower backed up, and accepting vegetable deliveries.  I continue to work on my Ukrainian and have a had a few successful communications.  I learned enough mom commands to be able to baby sit Ukrainian speaking children for a short time.

I have treasured my time here as I feel God is sending me through a delightful missionary wife boot camp before becoming just that in January.  Thank you so much to all of you who have supported me.  Please keep praying.

 Rinsing off at the conference in Hungary
 The deluxe smoothie made by the oldest of my young charges Samuel
 Sorry with the Markey cousins (two of the missionary families here in Ukraine) is never boring
 Of course getting in some Skype time with my love
 This is Kiyoshi (Markey boy #2) he is a Lego building master
 This is Samuel (Markey boy #1) he is the master chef in the making
Here he is enjoying some beet greens with me (oh yes we did mom)
 The sweet babushka the Markeys frequently buy veggie and fruit from on their way to Kiev
 Fun day to the Lego store with the three older boys
 Sharon Markey and 3/4 of her posse of delights
 At the park watching six kids (two of which don't speak English).
Getting my language study in.
 What we do on those hot Ternopil days
 Exploring the city center
 Of course stopping for a fresh Ukrainian cup of Joe
 Yes, there is a lake in the middle of downtown
 I just really like cool lookin' doors
 My friend Tanya who took me exploring
 Yes, I have found it!
 Peter (Markey boy #3) the one most like my amazing self as a 4-year-old
James (Markey boy #4) The one with the sunny disposition
Prayer requests:

  1.  Safe travels back to Hungary on August 3rd (also my handsome daddy’s birthday)
  2. For George, Sharon, and the boys as they start a new life in Kiev
  3. For Jon and Steff who will be staying in Ternopil and leading the church here
  4. For safe travels as I go back to California at the end of August
  5. Continued prayer for Jared and I as we plan our wedding and prepare for marriage

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Oh, To Serve the King of Kings!

Friends and Family,
As I mentioned in my last blog many changes are coming to my life as I take the next step He is leading me in.  I rejoice in that He will remain faithful in my life as He always has.  I know I was rather abrupt in my "I'm engaged" announcement.  I am still processing it myself.  So I think Jared deserves a proper introduction to y'all.
Jared Scheller has been serving here at CCBCE for 8 years.  He grew up on the west coast and currently calls Oregon his home state.  Through a mutual friend he was able to help me with the application process last summer (you know, "do I need to bring a towel" and "when is the application due" sort of thing).  Through a series of only God orchestrated events we had very little contact over the fall semester, but started talking more regularly just before leaving the college in December (of course more details can be offered, but we all know I'm to long-winded to post such here).  In January it was clear God was leading us to pursue a relationship.  Somehow we fell in love, and I am ever so thankful.  Soooooooooo now we're engaged and getting married at the beginning of next year.  I'm looking forward to what God has in store for us a I join Jared here in Hungary.  While I am very much looking forward to having an earthly husband as a companion to serve along side, I am so thankful that our relationship is only a picture of how much our heavenly groom loves us.  Please be praying for our marriage and the days building up to it, that we may honor God in our conduct and purity of love.  As Paul urged the Thessalonians in 1 Thessalonians 1:12 "that you would walk worthy of God who calls you into His own kingdom and glory."  I realize this all sounds very gushy and romantic.  I do realize that He who began a work in us is still working on us and we have much to learn from Jesus and each other.  We want Jesus to be our driver so I'm excited to buckle up and get this show on the road.

So for those of you who have asked, there is a little more detail about this man that I am most willingly committing to spend the rest of my life with.

Even with a wedding to plan missionary life on the foreign field speeds forward with gusto.   Next week is one of the biggest conferences held at CCBCE for the leaders serving here in eastern Europe.  Along with many guests, all of the School of Missions Students will be attending sessions on leadership, marriage, family, and many other subjects.  On June 19th I will be headed to Ukraine for my 40-day outreach.  I will be helping a church there with child-care, church services, and many other possibilities.  I can't wait to use the language I've been studying for the past eight months!  Last week I figured out how to type in Ukrainian, and I felt like bursting with excitement!

Graduation went well on May 15th with the added excitement that Abigail and mom surprise visited me and we traveled for a week after.  What an amazing blessing!

I'm so grateful to all of you for your prayers.  Please continue in this.  Your prayers are such a huge part of the work here in Hungary.

Prayer Requests:
  1. For Jared and I as we prepare for our marriage
  2. Outreach to Ukraine starting next week (especially for leadership in the church right now)
  3. Foundations Conference next week, that God's servants would be refreshed
P.S. He's not a Cardinals fan so we'll work on that

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Big news from Hungary

     It been a while and much has happened.  I have been quite busy with classes and such.  Next week is finals, but I am already finished with a few classes.  I just arrived back from Ireland a few days ago and was so greatly blessed by the pastor’s family there.  We stayed with the pastor Shawn Tebbe and his family and were abundantly blessed by them.  We were able to do some practical ministry at their house, spent an evening at a mental hospital, ministry with girls from the local school, and children’s ministry.  We were able to present the gospel at the mental hospital and were really blessed that the patients and staff were really engaged.  Children’s ministry was a joy.  I have missed it and enjoyed greatly getting back in the classroom.  Ministry with the girls I hope was a blessing to them as they have had several suicides in their school this year.  It was a blessed trip and I’m so thankful I had the opportunity to go.

     I’m headed back in to school full throttle as finals are next week and graduation is May 15th.

     In other news many of you may or may not know that I have been in a relationship with Jared Scheller these past four months.  A few days ago He asked me to marry him and I have accepted.  We are very excited and look forward to what God has for us in the future.

Prayer Requests
  •          Prayer for Ireland and the girls impacted by the suicides
  •          For the Tebbe family in Ireland
  •          Finishing finals
  •          Wisdom for Jared and myself as we prepare for marriage

Sunday, March 29, 2015

A New Semester

So, I should have had this update up for ya'll weeks ago, but here goes anyways.  So I arrived safely in Hungary, back for my second semester of the School of Missions here at Calvary Chapel Bible College Europe.  After the fun fiasco of leaving my computer at the security checkpoint in New York (yes, it was an accident, and it's now safely in California with my parents).  I know God has much that He wants to do in me this semester so we'll see how it goes.  So much has already changed my heart since being here these past six weeks.  We are studying 1 Thessalonians in our Thursday night studies.  This verse in particular stood out to me.

that you would walk worthy of God who calls you into His own kingdom and glory.
1 Thessalonians 2:12

I pray this semester and the rest of my life that I would walk worthy of God who has called me to be in Hungary.

I'm working in the coffee shop this semester for my servant-hood class.  It's a far cry from starting IVs, but at least I can use my costumer service skills, which is not to say that I don't receive frequent consultations.  When people know you're a nurse *says in dramatic whisper* they will find you.  Someday when I can get used to not having my computer I will add some pictures to my updates.

This semester I'm taking Daniel, Biblical Theology, Inductive Bible Study, Missionary Leadership, and all of the regular compulsory classes.  I'm learning so much from them all.

I'll be headed to Serbia for an Easter outreach this coming weekend and then on to Dublin, Ireland at the end of April.  I do so appreciate all of your prayers and support.

Prayer requests
  • Stamina to get my school work done with gusto
  • My continued studies in the Ukrainian language
  • Serbia outreach April 3-6
  • Ireland outreach April 24th through May 3rd

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Hungary brings changes

How do you sum up the entirety of a semester of Bible College?  Especially one where God spoke so profoundly that it will serve as a constant reminder of His faithfulness?  I find myself at this impasse.  It has been several months since my last post.  For this I am sorry for not updating all of you, but it has taken some time for me to process all that has been confirmed, and changing in my heart.
In early November I was able to go on a class trip to the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland.  1.1 million people went to the gas chambers at this camp.  It was a very sobering experience, yet such an important one.  It’s so important to remember what Israel has gone through and what powers of sin are on this earth.

You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.
1 John 4:4

 Our hotel in Poland
 Getting some studying in during finals week
            The last month of school flew by like a whirlwind full of book reports, servant hood hours, a quite memorable trip to Italy over Thanksgiving break, and ending with graduation on December 5th.  Italy was a wonderful historical experience with old friends, new friends, and my sister.  I will never forget walking into the Coliseum and looking down to where so many Christians suffered and died for the name of Jesus Christ, or reading the book of Philippians in the actual jail cell where Paul wrote it while awaiting his execution.

So breathtaking in person

Getting to share an experience of a lifetime with my sister

            Abigail and myself ended our travels visiting my brother Nathan, his wife Laura, and their children in Spain.  The trip home was quite eventful, especially as Abigail injured her arm while packing to leave the college, but that is an entirely different story for another time.

The Cathedral in Jerez

The Spain Reeses and Abigail in the Cathedral in Jerez

 On our train on the way back to Madrid headed to the United States

            Through my Biblical Missions class and many other events God confirmed in my heart that Hungary is exactly where God has me for right now.  I will be returning to Vajta in February to complete the School of Missions, which will continue through August of this year.  Till I leave for Hungary again I will be working here in Hanford at the hospital and raising funds to complete the program, and for whatever God would have me to do next.  I am so grateful for everyone that has prayed for me and participated in my missions financially.  If you would like to continue to do so I’m trying to put together an e-mail list of all of you so I can make sure you get regular updates.  I am also having cards made with my contact information and how you can contribute if you wish to.  Send me your address and I’d be glad to send you one.  I’ll leave you with these words from Psalm 4 that almost jumped off the page at me this semester.

            But know that the LORD has set apart for Himself him who is godly;
The LORD will hear when I call to Him.
            Be angry, and do not sin.
Meditate within your heart on your bed, and be still. Selah
            Offer the sacrifices of righteousness,
And put your trust in the LORD.
            Psalm 4:3-5