For my 10-day
outreach I went to Ukraine.
Ukraine is a country I never really much considered except that it has
been in the news somewhat lately.
I really felt that God wanted me to go on this trip in particular and
I’m so glad I did. We visited five
different cities: Svitlohirs’ke, Nizhyn, Pryluky, Konotop, and Kiev. In the first city we shared with the
youth group, did some street evangelism, shared the gospel at an orphanage,
participated in a seminar on christocentricity, and worshiped with them at
their Sunday service. This city
included a lot of amazing fellowship time with the missionaries and
nationals. In the second city we
were able spend time in two different orphanages, encourage the elderly at a
local nursing home, fellowship at their midweek gathering, and evangelize at
the local university. At the
university I was interviewed by a group of English students about charity and
was able to share the gospel. In this second city the three girls on the team
stayed with a sweet woman named Valentina. She cooked some amazing Ukrainian food for us. She was a believer from the church and
she hosted us like we were her own granddaughters thus the day we left she told
us to call her babushka. The third
city we were only in for a very short time, but we were able to have some
wonderful fellowship with the body of believers there for their midweek
service. I was able to spend time
with the pastor’s wife and many of the other ladies. One of which explained to me much about children needing
homes in Ukraine. In the fourth
city of Konotop we spent Friday and Saturday. It was in this city that I saw the greatest picture of
encouraging the believers of Ukraine during hard times. We did two days of street evangelism and
a two-day seminar on evangelism, as well as Bible club for the kids on
Saturday. Saturday night we
returned to Kiev for Sunday services.
It was such a great way to finish out the trip worshiping with the
believers at Calvary Kiev on Sunday.
We didn’t have much time for fellowship as we had a plane to catch, but
it was a joy to be there.
One of the major
blessings was to be able to go into so many orphanages as God has put a burden
in my heart for children in need.
One was very orderly and the kids were there long term and very
disciplined. The next one was a
little out of control as the kids were there only for short-term placement and
we were left in the room without any of the orphanage workers. The last one was unique in that it was
for mentally challenged kids, but many of them were adults. Another major blessing for me was to
see the compassion the local pastors had for the Ukrainian people. They knew how vital it was that they
get the gospel out to the people.
Their wives were so eager to provide for our needs. I so hope we encouraged them. God has not forgotten the people of
Ukraine. All of the people were so
eager to make us comfortable and I think I drank more tea and coffee than I
have during the whole semester.
I was so greatly
challenged spiritually during this trip.
Psalm 73 was taught at many of the services and in this chapter are
contained verses 23-26. These
verses speak of how God walks us through the valley of the shadow of
death. Verse 26 says that God is
the strength of our heart and our portion forever. For a long time the words of God being my portion has been a
great encouragement to me. I have
often gone back to this verse prior to ten-day, but this trip it spoke to me in
a fresh and new way. I don’t need
to work and strive for Jesus. He
just tells me to abide in Him and He will bring about fruit in my life. A prominent theme for this trip was
bringing the gospel to as many people as possible in a simple yet profound
way. Not only bringing the
gospel to the lost but to believers as well who need to hear it again and again
was another.
Two other verses
that stood out to me during this trip were Ephesians 3:8 and Romans 1:5. In the verse in Ephesians Paul speaks
of how he is unworthy to preach the gospel to the gentiles and yet God used
him. Just prior to this verse
mentioned in Romans Paul sends his greetings and thoroughly explains his
authority and who is the God that we serve. Then in verse five he speaks of how
this all powerful and mighty God that has given us grace and apostleship for
obedience among all the nations.
God has given us the power to obey Him wherever we are. I went on this trip seeking guidance on
what the next step is in my life.
He gave me some clears answers for the short-term and in some instances
He just told me to hold His hand and He will lead me through.
Something I didn’t
expect was to enjoy the Russian language so much. In the first city we stayed in they only speak Russian. I learned so much. I learned more Russian in ten-days than
I have Hungarian in seven weeks.
Given the environments differ quite significantly, but I learned so much
from each of the translators and got used to the sound of it. I hope to explore this newfound
fascination with Russian more in the future.
The Ukrainian
people touched my heart so much. I
plan on returning so that I may be a part of growing the church there. I’m not sure when or how, but God will
show me in His own timing. When
going on trips like this we as believers get so wrapped up in how we want to
draw others to Jesus that we forget that Jesus wants to draw us to Himself
more. God is more interested in
how He can change us as individuals than how He can work through us. So let’s rest in Him and let Him show
us His omnipotence.
The beauty of Ukraine in the fall!
Worshiping with the youth at Svitlohirs’ke
When it's below freezing all day and all night you need a massive coat rack
The best cup of coffee I think I've ever had. It had fresh cardamom in it.
My back seat road tripping buddies Jenna (from Philly) and Ryan (from Idaho)
Our team from the bible college (left to right Ryan, Brenton, Jenna, and Abby from Russia)
Our sweet Babushka
The pastor's wife in Pryluky and her baby.
Through this trip
God confirmed to me that He wants me to return to Hungary in the spring to
finish the missions training program.
I am greatly strengthened by knowing that so many of you are praying for
me. If any of you feel God is
leading you to financially support me I would greatly appreciate it, but most
of all I covet your prayers. I’m
hoping to return to Ukraine for my 4-day outreach this summer. I will be learning Ukrainian over the
next several months. God certainly
takes us by surprise sometimes, but He always gives us the ability to do what
He has called us to do as we follow Him.
for it is God who
works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure. Philippians 2:13
I love you all and
will be home in just over a month.
Please continue to
pray for:
1. Block
class on Biblical Missions coming up
2. Class
trip to Poland next weekend to visit concentration camp
3. God’s
continued guidance and I follow Him one step at a time
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